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Parade for Trade Justice at the WTO

When world trade ministers set off for the WTO ministerial meeting in Doha, Qatar in November 2001, an 8,000-strong parade of trade justice campaigners rallied in London, UK.

In crisp autumn sunshine, there was a carnival atmosphere as costumed marchers and decorated floats processed past the Houses of Parliament and 10 Downing Street to Trafalgar Square.

Trade Justice Parade, 3 November 2001
Photographs by Nick Cobbing


Sarah Berger, Brighton and Hove World Development Movement Andrew Finni, Oxfam Ilse Chang, Friends of the Earth Netherlands Denis Anthony Lucey, World Development Movement Yeshaya Lomotey & Chayah White
Stephen Pennells, Christian Aid Cristina Ottonello, artist, Trade Justice Movement Gaby Bendall & Mike Ashley, Friends of the Earth Lizzie Jeans & Meredith Cochrane, People & Planet Peter Collins, Traidcraft & Hannah Durrant, Fairtrade Foundation
Mary Carpenter, Sara Khoroosi and Catherine Chastney, Oxfam Isabella & Theo Richard Baggott, methodist minister, Christian Aid Atlanta Duffy, theatre designer, World Development Movement Chris Babb
Sergio Cobo Gonzales, CAFOD Michael & Matthew Faulkner, Christian Aid Roger James, Oxfam Holly Ball & Denise Carter, CAFOD Vic

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