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Listed below are general trade-related campaigning events and meetings.


Trade Justice mass action event - 19 April 2007 central London

The Trade Justice Movement will be staging a mass action event on 19 April 2007 as part of a simultaneous action across Europe to stop the EU pushing unfair trade deals on the poorest countries in the world. Watch this space for more details.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2007

The theme is 'Change Today, Choose Fairtrade'. With over 2000 Fairtrade certified products now available, it’s easier than ever to change what we eat drink and wear to Fairtrade, and make a positive change today for the lives of millions and farmers in developing countries. Take part in this Fairtrade Fortnight 26 Feb - 11 March 2007. 


Holding an event on trade in the UK? Email to be listed here.



Past coalition events


Wake Up to Trade Justice
» »

Scale Up for Trade Justice
Friday 27-Saturday 28 June 2003
» 24hrs for Trade Justice: highlights
» Scale Up photo gallery

» Mass lobby of Parliament, London, UK - June 19, 2002
» Parade for Trade Justice at the WTO - November 2001

All contents copyright © Trade Justice Movement unless otherwise marked.
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