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Bono backs Trade Justice Movement

28 June 2003

Rock star Bono has added his voice to the campaign for trade justice in the lead up to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Mexico this September.


The U2 lead singer and global poverty campaigner has put his support behind the Trade Justice Movement as the coalition of over 40 organisations stages the largest ever simultaneous lobby of MPs the UK has seen.

Bono said: "That we don't let Africans put products on our shelves, yet we crowd out their markets with our goods is a scandal. International trade needs to give everybody a chance, not just the nations that set the rules. The poorest countries don't want to forever rely on the nipple of our aid, theywant to earn their way out of poverty -- they need a level-playing field.

'This is not about charity, like debt cancellation this is about justice. The Trade Justice Movement is putting politicians to the test - millions of African's livelihoods depend on their response.'

The Trade Justice Movement is a fast growing group of organisations including aid agencies, environment and human rights campaigns, fair trade organisations, faith and consumer groups. The coalition is campaigning for trade justice - not free trade - with international trade rules weighted to benefit poor people and the environment.

Glen Tarman, Trade Justice Movement coordinator said: "The Trade Justice Movement takes its inspiration from Jubilee 2000 and the campaign to cancel Third World debt that Bono played such a big role in and continues to do so with the DATA organisation.

' Jubilee 2000 showed the world that by acting together, we can bring about change and force politicians to take leadership. There is much still to do on Third World debt. But we need also now to focus the world's attention on trade and the global opposition to trade rules that are so unjust.'

The Trade Justice Movement is supported by an increasing number of musicians and artists becoming involved with activists, campaigners and the general public to make sure trade works for the whole world.

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