Twelve thousand lobby over 300 MPs on trade justice
Over 12,000 people descended on Parliament to talk to their MPs about how developing countries are being ripped off by unfair trade rules. In what was the world's biggest mass lobby of politicians on trade, people came from all parts of the United Kingdom with constituents from Northern Ireland, the Scottish isles and Cornwall.
Hundreds of politicians came out to meet them. Tony Blair met organisers in the morning, while John Prescott, Iain Duncan Smith and Peter Mandelson met their constituents who were lining the Westminster pavements. Inside Westminster, trade issues also dominated as the first question in Parliamentary question time concerned the mass lobby.
Political influence didn't stop in Britain. The South African President Thabo Mbeki called organisers to express his support.
Radiohead and former Body Shop MD, Anita Roddick launched a huge Mexican wave of sound which ran from outside the Houses of Parliament across Lambeth Bridge and all the way to London Eye. The wave lasted 6 minutes and 37 seconds.
Chris Holt, head of Trade Justice Movement said: "We're overwhelmed by the amount of people that have come here today. Such a broad coalition cannot be ignored by the government and this gives Tony Blair a clear mandate to champion radical reform of the rules of international trade when he meets other leaders at the G8 next week."
For further information contact:
Sarah Finch Trade Justice Movement
Patrick Nicholson CAFOD
Andrew Pendleton Christian Aid
Neil Verlander Friends of the Earth
Julia Tilford Oxfam
Dave Timms World Development Movement
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