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The campaign on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)

Together with other European countries, the UK is part of a push to have some of the poorest nations on the planet sign up to grossly unfair trade deals.

The deals are called Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The Trade Justice Movement is campaigning on EPAs and calling on the UK Government to use its full influence to stop unfair deals going ahead, to listen to the serious concerns of poor countries and work with those countries to develop new deals that will help deliver trade justice.

Get involved by taking action. or the action links below to find out more. Be part of the growing campaign across Europe and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries affected by these trade deals.

Many thanks to everyone who took part in outside the German Embassy. You helped lobby every single EU embassy in just one day!

If you took part in this amazing day, please to find out how you can upload your pictures onto a special Flickr site. 

See what happened .

Use your voice in Europe Email Chancellor Angela MerkelTAKE ACTION
Email German Chancellor Angela Merkel 
The EU is putting pressure on poor countries to accept trade agreements that are unfair. Germany presently holds the EU Presidency. Go to one of our member websites below to send a message to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Tell her to use her influence to stop these unfair trade agreements.
Oxfam: Email Merkel Christian Aid: Email Merkel  CAFOD: Email Merkel  
ActionAid: Email Merkel  

Email Alistair Darling, the new UK Secretary of State for Trade & Industry
Call on him to stop the EU's Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with its former colonies going ahead.


Right Corporate Wrongs 
Our campaign brings new laws for trade justice

In response to campaigning from the Trade Justice Movement and our allies, public pressure has resulted in new accountability laws for companies. The Companies Bill has concluded its passage through Parliament and has been give royal assent (as the Companies Act 2006). The Trade Justice Movement has welcomed the Companies Act as a step forward towards greater corporate responsibility, but warns the new legislation has not gone far enough to ensure that British business will work for people and planet as well as profit. 
» Press release

» Campaigners stage first ever simultaneous lobby of all EU embassies in London to call for a stop to unfair trade deals

» Campaigners mobilise in London as part of worldwide day of action against Europe ’s free trade deals

» Beware of hidden strings on European Union's offer on trade

» How do countries trade with each other? And who rules the world of trade?

» Campaigners to stage record-breaking demo calling for a stop to Europe ’s unfair trade deals

» EU abusing position of power in trade agreements say UK MPs

» NGOs denounce EU pressure over new African trade deals


» New EU free trade deals "serious threat" to poor countries

» EU condemned for forcing unfair trade on poor countries




All contents copyright © Trade Justice Movement unless otherwise marked.
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